Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A New Version of Orpheus

Once upon a time there was a pig who played music that made it rain cat and dogs to make all of the people happy and have a pet.One day the pigs music made they a egg hatch to a other pig called esper. They got marryed and life a good life. The next day a fish/human called for esper and said that he need to scrach the fishes/humans back .Then the fish/human chase her and esper called pig.Then a dog bit her and she fell to the ground and the pig came and carried her back to the village . He said esper is died.Esper went tot the land of the died pigs.So the pig went to the land of the died pigs to go get her back.The king sek you can take her but you you can't stop looking at her .Then he looked away esper went back to the land of the died pigs.So the pig started to make a cool sound and all of the people crush the music.THE END

Julius Caesar

Caesar was important because he was a governer and he make a strong leader in the war.He was one of the most elected dictator .A dicator was the hole complete king.His army seized Italy while Pompey fled his city.When Caesar was a long trem consl he went for running to be the governer of Goul .When he led his army then concord most of the western Europe.When they came back to rome he was the most popular man in Rome.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Favorite Greek Thinker

My favorite Greek think is Euclid.The reason I like him is because with out him there would have been no shape to learn and to make houses and every thing because math is every thing .With out his book we would have not the new elements that can help us be sucseccesful in the time we are in now.This is my favorite Greek thinker.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Yes, I do believe Hector did the right thing to fight Achilles. I think the reason that Hector accepted Achilles challenge to prove him that he can defeat him to. Yes, I would have done the same but defeat him not die.

The Myth of Osiris

Once upon a time Seth killed Osiris and he became the king of the under world.Osirs was a reborn king of three million killesbons and million mummies .The killesbons are a very furious small dog cat fish pig that lived in his stomach of Osiris which ate on the food that Osiris would eat on.The reason they lived in his stomach was so they dont havse to pay the rent to live in the under like the mummies in the under world.One day the king Osiris got sick and cough out all of the million killesbons so Osiris told them now you have to pay the rent for ever.They all did not want to so later that night the killesbons when through his nose to his brain and controled his brain and made him kill the mummies so the killesbons can not get scared any more.Then the killesbons hot wired back the brain to the body and got out of the brain to the land of the under world .The next day Osiris was suprized that that the killesbons was paying the rent inthe under world.Then the killesbons made a posion that made the king turn in to a killesbons the killesbons had a plan to give him water with the poison in it . The next day the he turn into a killesbons.Then the under world was a land of killesbons and happy ever after. THE END