Thursday, October 13, 2011

Make my Tech Class better

I thing that the way to make the tech class is by letting us have more free time and come up with new games . Also to make better things to do and not things that are boring that is fun to us and that is interesting that can atract other students to come to tech.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

School breakfast

I like the school system of breakfast it is good because you come in and the breakfast ready for you to eat . I like some of the food from the morning breakfast but some is not good but i would like to try some other food that eating the same food and at a different time of the week.
I would like to suggest for us to get different for not the same every week. I would also like to have some food that is not messy and some are open and also that the food are to burned .

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My weekand

On my weekand I had a little fun, On satrday I had a soccer game and we won 8 to o . After we finished the game I went home and to take a shower After I was Done I played Video games until I got tired. after I finished we had dinner and then we watch a movie.

On sunday my friend came over and we played outside . Then I played video games with him. After he left I went to church. We came back and we ate food .Then we rent to rent movies and get icecream . After I did homework and then We went to go fix my videogame and I started playing it It was fun.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

School Uniform

I think we should were uniform so that other childern do not judge you way of dressing. One thing about the uniform is that it makes the school look desent.It makes the school look scholarly.Some people might think that uniforms wastes money . With no uniform we do not have to waste money to get the uniform you can just were what you want to school. Some people might say that the things that we wear might be inupropreate for school.